
Las Vegas Tattoo Artist

Meet Sandy, a seasoned tattoo artist with 15 years of experience, originally from Hawai'i and now thriving in the vibrant Las Vegas tattoo scene. Sandy's diverse skills contribute to her unique approach to tattooing, blending high detail and fine lines with a mastery of both color and black and gray styles.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Sandy, a seasoned tattoo artist with 15 years of experience, originally from Hawai'i and now thriving in the vibrant Las Vegas tattoo scene. Sandy's journey into the world of tattoos began with a profound passion for the arts, drawing from her background in Drawing, Painting, Graphic Design, and Photography.

Her fascination with the technical craftsmanship of tattooing led her to embrace the challenges and joys of creating masterpieces on skin. Sandy's diverse skills contribute to her unique approach to tattooing, blending high detail and fine lines with a mastery of both color and black and gray styles.

Sandy's tattooing style is influenced by her rich cultural experiences and hobbies, ranging from drawing comics and attending concerts to her Vietnamese heritage. Raised by exacting craftspeople, her parents instilled a determination for excellence that reflects in every piece she creates.

When consulting with clients, Sandy dives deep, asking numerous questions to understand their vision. She often employs various tools, from pen and paper to digital mediums like an iPad or Photoshop, ensuring the design process is efficient and precise. Her goal is to create custom, unique tattoos that resonate with her clients' personalities and preferences.

For aspiring tattoo artists, Sandy advocates for the value of apprenticeships, emphasizing the importance of learning from those who paved the way. Her advice includes embracing the medical and cleaning aspects of the craft, learning tricks from experienced artists, and navigating the journey with determination, grace, and humility. If she could travel back in time, Sandy would tattoo her late younger brother, creating meaningful pieces reflecting his personality, interests, and the special bond they shared.

Beyond tattooing, Sandy is a multifaceted individual who enjoys traveling, concerts, shopping, hiking, photography adventures, and exploring new culinary delights. Clients may find joy in surprising her with gifts, and she encourages them to prioritize self-care by staying hydrated and taking care of their skin.


Frequently Asked Questions

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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3377 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

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