
Las Vegas Professional Body Piercer

Meet Samantha, a professional body piercer with a passion for creating stunning piercings. With 4 years of experience, Samantha is ready to provide exceptional services.

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Piercer Portfolio

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About the Piercer

Meet Samantha, a professional body piercer with a passion for creating stunning piercings. With 4 years of experience, Samantha is ready to provide exceptional services. Samantha's journey into piercing began by following her love for piercings. Starting as front-of-house staff in a small shop, she seized the opportunity to learn piercing. After a year, she embarked on her apprenticeship, and the rest is history.

Her favorite piercings to perform include Tragus and Conch, showcasing her genuine love for these styles. Samantha stays updated on the latest trends in body jewelry through Instagram, exploring diverse gemstone combinations. Her personal favorites include moss agate and garnet.

During consultations, Samantha engages clients by discussing their ideas and preferences. She conducts an anatomy check to determine feasible piercings, guiding clients through jewelry options in gold or titanium. For those with challenging anatomy, she recommends suitable piercings and helps clients visualize the outcome.

For aspiring piercers, Samantha emphasizes the industry's learning opportunities and the patience required. She encourages knowing one's worth and researching shops before applying for apprenticeships. Despite potential setbacks, Samantha advises persistence and a positive mindset. If Samantha could pierce anyone in the world, she'd choose Rosa Parks and give her a badass septum piercing.

Outside of piercing, Samantha enjoys reading, attending concerts, and exploring new places. Clients are invited to meet Samantha and discover more about her expertise and passion for piercing. Visit her to experience the artistry and professionalism she brings to each unique piercing session.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3535 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

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