
Las Vegas Tattoo Artist

Meet Robert, a skilled tattoo artist with a remarkable 17 years of experience. Robert's tattooing expertise spans various styles, but he particularly excels in Color Neo-Traditional.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Robert, a skilled tattoo artist with a remarkable 17 years of experience. Born and raised in Las Vegas, Robert's passion for art was ignited at a young age, influenced by his older brother. After completing a two-year apprenticeship at INKAHOLICS in Reno, NV, he returned to Vegas, managing Tatlantis for two years before settling at Club Tattoo, where he has been creating impressive tattoos for the past 15 years.

Robert's tattooing expertise spans various styles, but he particularly excels in Color Neo-Traditional. His personal touch is inspired by a love for cartoons and the perfect alignment of his last name, Kidd.

During consultations, Robert encourages clients to provide references, making it easier to understand and execute their vision. His creative process thrives on having examples to comprehend the desired style.

For aspiring tattoo artists, Robert's advice is to stay humble, treating everyone with respect and avoiding a "rock star" mentality. If he could travel back in time, Robert would tattoo Hitler, choosing a provocative portrait of 2Pac.

Beyond tattooing, Robert enjoys building cars and prioritizes his health. Clients can expect not only exceptional artistry but also a great company and an artist who is an awesome people person


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3663 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89109

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