
Las Vegas Tattoo Artist

Meet Penny, a seasoned tattoo artist celebrating her 31st year in the industry. Specializing in fine line tattoos, Penny's preferred style leans towards color work, although she also cherishes the artistry of black and gray. Flowers and animals hold a special place in her heart, influencing her tattoo style significantly.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Penny, a seasoned tattoo artist celebrating her 31st year in the industry. Penny's artistic journey began with a passion for drawing, leading her to pursue graphic design in school. Her entry into tattooing happened unexpectedly when she met an apprenticing artist through a friend, marking a significant leap in her career.

Specializing in fine line tattoos, Penny's preferred style leans towards color work, although she also cherishes the artistry of black and gray. Flowers and animals hold a special place in her heart, influencing her tattoo style significantly.

In consultations, Penny collaborates with clients to understand their vision, encouraging them to share references or styles they admire. Her creative process involves thorough research, resulting in two to three different designs for the client. The finalization includes email exchanges for any necessary adjustments.

For aspiring tattoo artists, Penny emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, urging them to never assume they know it all. Asking questions and genuinely listening to the answers is crucial for growth in the industry. If she could travel back in time, Penny would choose to tattoo her grandmother, fulfilling her wish for a small rose on her ankle, a touching tribute to her late grandmother.

Outside of tattooing, Penny engages in diverse artistic pursuits, including designing and creating stained glass panels, drawing, painting, and cherishing time spent with friends and family.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3535 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

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