
Las Vegas Tattoo Artist

Meet Michelle, a tattoo artist with 5 years of experience. Coming from a family of professional artists, Michelle's journey into tattooing took an unexpected turn after college when she chose to explore her passion for coloring on people instead of pursuing anthropology. Specializing in watercolor but with a preference for black and grey photorealism, Michelle aims to specialize in portraits.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Michelle, a tattoo artist with 5 years of experience. Coming from a family of professional artists, Michelle's journey into tattooing took an unexpected turn after college when she chose to explore her passion for coloring on people instead of pursuing anthropology. Specializing in watercolor but with a preference for black and grey photorealism, Michelle aims to specialize in portraits.

Influenced by her background, she values using photos for references, expressing a love for photorealism, and aspiring to delve into art nouveau. During consultations, Michelle likens the process to a game of telephone, translating the client's vision into her own interpretation on paper and refining it through collaboration until it aligns with their expectations.

For aspiring tattoo artists, Michelle emphasizes the importance of practice, urging them to work on fake skin, draw, or paint consistently to ensure continuous progression in their skills. If Michelle could travel back in time, she would choose to tattoo Edward Alexander Crowley, envisioning a rose cross design for him.

Outside of tattooing, Michelle used to sing, dance, and write, but now she values spending time with family and reading. Her love for tattooing has become a primary focus, and she emphasizes her reliance on references rather than drawing from her head, assuring clients of her dedication to replicating their desired elements accurately.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 12PM - 8 PM
Friday - Saturday: 11AM - 10PM
Sunday: 11AM - 7PM


4255 N Winfield Scott Plaza, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

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