
Las Vegas Tattoo Artist

Meet Mario, a fine art painter from Europe turned tattoo artist with a decade of experience. Mario ventured into the tattoo industry after relocating to the USA, completing his tattoo school journey in Las Vegas. His passion lies in creating art that people will proudly wear throughout their lives.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Mario, a fine art painter from Europe turned tattoo artist with a decade of experience. Mario ventured into the tattoo industry after relocating to the USA, completing his tattoo school journey in Las Vegas. His passion lies in creating art that people will proudly wear throughout their lives.

As a versatile artist, Mario excels in various styles, but he finds particular joy in the intricate world of black and grey realism. Influenced by the challenge of creating realistic tattoos, he approaches each piece with dedication and precision.

In consultations, Mario actively engages with clients to understand their vision and expectations, ensuring a personalized experience. His creative process involves translating the client's ideas into a custom tattoo design that resonates with their individuality. For aspiring tattoo artists, Mario's advice is to keep practicing and consistently work on self-improvement. Embracing challenges and continuously refining one's skills is key to success in the industry.

Outside of tattooing, Mario finds enjoyment in art, music, sports, and a love for animals.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3535 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

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