
Las Vegas Body Piercer

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Piercer Portfolio

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About the artist

Amber, a tattoo artist with 6 years of experience, embarked on her artistic journey through an apprenticeship in Phoenix. Moving from her initial shop to joining Club Tattoo, she honed her skills through continuous practice, developing a unique style influenced by goth culture and video games. Specializing in blackwork, dotwork, and fine line tattoos, she excels in micro animal portraits. Her approach to consultations involves clients sharing reference photos and preferences, enabling her to craft custom designs. Amber emphasizes the importance of aspiring tattoo artists learning extensively, advising them to find a niche they enjoy and excel in. Outside tattooing, she indulges in her passion for video games.


Frequently Asked Questions

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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 12PM - 8 PM
Friday - Saturday: 11AM - 10PM
Sunday: 11AM - 7PM


1423 S Country Club Dr, Mesa, AZ 85210

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