
Las Vegas Tattoo Artist

Meet Kat, a seasoned tattoo artist with 19 years of experience. Specializing in portraits, pinups, and realism, Kat excels in both black and grey and color tattoos, focusing on capturing the emotions within the images.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Kat, a seasoned tattoo artist with 19 years of experience.  Kat's tattooing journey began at 18 when she walked into a tattoo shop and showed her drawing to artist Marco, who suggested she become a tattoo artist. She embraced the opportunity, honing her skills at Golden Dragon Tattoo in Las Vegas under mentors Leon and Jeremy.

Specializing in portraits, pinups, and realism, Kat excels in both black and grey and color tattoos, focusing on capturing the emotions within the images.

Influenced by a lifelong passion for realism, Kat's creative process starts with client consultations, where she explores ideas and creates a visual list. Despite her ability to envision the final result, she caters to clients who prefer more detailed sketches.

For aspiring tattoo artists, Kat emphasizes continuous learning and humility. The tattoo industry always offers room for improvement and growth. If she could time travel, Kat would tattoo William Wallace, intrigued by the chance to meet him and willing to ink any design he desired.

Outside of tattooing, Kat treasures being a mom and enjoys activities like baseball, horse riding, shooting, motocross, wakeboarding, and snow skiing. Clients can expect a grateful and friendly atmosphere, where many evolve from clients to cherished friends and family.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3377 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

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