Justin Lewis

Las Vegas Tattoo Artist

Meet Justin Lewis, a seasoned tattoo artist with 31 years of experience, known for his exceptional work. ustin's versatility in tattoo styles is truly remarkable, as he was trained to master various techniques. His expertise shines in realism, both in color and black and grey. He also has a passion for bio-mechanical organic textures and explores the bold lines and vibrant hues of the new school style.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Justin Lewis, a seasoned tattoo artist with 31 years of experience, known for his exceptional work. Beginning his tattooing journey in 1991 with guidance from a friend named Schmoe Dawg in the vibrant San Francisco Bay Area, Justin later continued his artistic venture in Los Angeles.

Justin's versatility in tattoo styles is truly remarkable, as he was trained to master various techniques. His expertise shines in realism, both in color and black and grey. He also has a passion for bio-mechanical organic textures and explores the bold lines and vibrant hues of the new school style. Cultural influences from the Bay Area's wild style and European aesthetics significantly shape Justin's tattoo artistry. Continuously striving to elevate his skills, he draws inspiration from diverse sources to keep his work fresh and innovative.

During consultations, Justin dedicates himself to understanding the client's vision, even when it involves intricate designs. Starting with their inspirations, he elaborates on the ideas, ensuring the client is not just satisfied but excited and inspired by the envisioned piece. Justin's commitment to enhancing even simple designs showcases his dedication to leaving a lasting impression on clients.

For aspiring tattoo artists, Justin's advice is straightforward: secure an apprenticeship and refrain from relying solely on online tutorials. If he could travel back in time, Justin would choose to tattoo his mother, fulfilling a shared dream of a mother-son tattoo that, unfortunately, could not be realized due to her passing.

Beyond tattooing, Justin is a multifaceted artist. He creates 3D models and concert visuals, operates a T-shirt business and graphics company, and is currently developing a cartoon idea and two movies. Clients should know that Justin is not just an artist but also a spiritual individual who strives to inspire through creation, emphasizing his belief in the power of collaboration over competition.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3535 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

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