Gilbert "G"

Las Vegas Tattoo Artist

Meet Gilbert, a passionate tattoo artist with over 3 years of experience. Gilbert's artistic journey began 14 years ago, evolving from pencil and paper to various artistic media, including watercolor, charcoal, acrylics, pastels, and airbrushing. Specializing in black and grey realism, Gilbert also excels in watercolor and abstract styles.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Gilbert, a passionate tattoo artist with over 3 years of experience. Gilbert's artistic journey began 14 years ago, evolving from pencil and paper to various artistic media, including watercolor, charcoal, acrylics, pastels, and airbrushing. His entry into tattooing started in Texas through a friend who owned a shop, leading him to work across California, from Hollywood to Newport Beach and south central LA.

Specializing in black and grey realism, Gilbert also excels in watercolor and abstract styles. Influenced by Southern California's culture, his work reflects the vibrant spirit of the city.

In consultations, Gilbert values each client's story, aiming to create meaningful tattoos. His creative process involves collaborative idea exploration, advising on composition, and designing custom tattoos on his iPad during consultations. For aspiring tattoo artists, Gilbert encourages pursuing dreams and overcoming fear, emphasizing that everyone starts somewhere. In a time-traveling scenario, Gilbert would choose to tattoo Jesus, symbolizing the Lion of Judah and a Lamb to represent wrath and love, grace, and mercy.

Outside of tattooing, Gilbert enjoys working out, exploring nature, spending time with family and his dog, and indulging in artwork at home. Clients can expect a positive and laughter-filled experience, describing it as "Ink therapy" during their time in Gilbert's chair.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3535 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

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