
Las Vegas Tattoo Artist

Meet Gary, a seasoned West Coast tattoo artist with 32 years of experience. Specializing in various styles, Gary excels in color realism, black and gray realism, Japanese (neo), traditional, neo-traditional, bio-mechanical, and watercolor. His diverse influences include his street upbringing, a love for music, and the competitive spirit derived from sports

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Gary, a seasoned West Coast tattoo artist with 32 years of experience. Gary's journey into tattooing began with a fascination for the craft after getting his first tattoo. Inspired by the West Coast tattooing style, he mastered versatility, covering a spectrum of styles demanded in the vibrant LA scene. His apprenticeship under renowned figures like Art Viveros and Colonel Todd, who learned from Bert Grimms and worked at the oldest tattoo shop in the U.S., enriched Gary's knowledge.

Specializing in various styles, Gary excels in color realism, black and gray realism, Japanese (neo), traditional, neo-traditional, bio-mechanical, and watercolor. His diverse influences include his street upbringing, a love for music, and the competitive spirit derived from sports.

During consultations, Gary delves deep into clients' visions, asking unique questions to understand their emotions and preferences, crucial for a personalized experience. He emphasizes the importance of caring for clients in the creative process.

For aspiring tattoo artists, Gary advises continuous practice and learning, encouraging the observation of experienced artists. Attention to detail, including the hand without the machine, is vital for success. If time travel were possible, Gary would love to tattoo legends like Bach or Jimi Hendrix, appreciating the shared essence of life across different eras.

Outside of tattooing, Gary enjoys fishing, boating, camping, and dinners with friends. Clients can expect Gary's willingness to take on challenging and intricate designs, showcasing his passion for pushing artistic boundaries. Explore Gary Silva's extraordinary tattooing skills and let him create something exceptionally difficult for you.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3377 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

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