
Arizona Professional Body Piercer

Meet Emily, a professional body piercer with 15 years of experience, ready to provide expert services. Specializing in intricate ear projects and nipple piercings, Emily values the trust and confidence these piercings bring to her clients.

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Piercer Portfolio

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About the PIERCER

Meet Emily, a professional body piercer with 15 years of experience, ready to provide expert services. Emily's journey into piercing began during a challenging time, as she balanced work and college while supporting her mother through cancer treatment. Offered an apprenticeship by a friend's studio, she seized the opportunity, marking the start of her dedicated career.

Specializing in intricate ear projects and nipple piercings, Emily values the trust and confidence these piercings bring to her clients. She keeps up with the latest trends in body jewelry through platforms like Instagram, showcasing a love for gold and high-polish titanium options.

In consultations, Emily utilizes photo references and offers various piercing placements and jewelry styles to ensure a comprehensive understanding of her clients' preferences. Taking clients into the piercing room for a visual "mapping" process, she ensures alignment on every detail.

For aspiring piercers, Emily advises patience, active listening to mentors, attending professional conferences, and maintaining humility. She emphasizes the importance of asking questions and avoiding inflated egos.

If she could pierce anyone, Emily chooses Fakir Musafar for a bridge piercing. Outside of piercing, Emily enjoys nature activities, spending time with her partner and animals, gardening, 3D printing, and pursuing culinary delights like baking sourdough bread.

Clients can request "silent services" from Emily, where she limits small talk and prioritizes communication about the piercing process, expectations, and aftercare. Communication and consent are paramount to Emily, reflecting her commitment to a positive and respectful piercing experience.


Frequently Asked Questions

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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 12PM - 8 PM
Friday - Saturday: 11AM - 10PM
Sunday: 11AM - 7PM


1423 S Country Club Dr, Mesa, AZ 85210

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