
Las Vegas Tattoo Artist

Meet Erica, a passionate tattoo artist with a decade of experience, residing in the vibrant world of ink. Erica specializes in ornamental design, fine line application, dot work, female traditional portraits, and neo-traditional animal designs.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Erica, a passionate tattoo artist with a decade of experience, residing in the vibrant world of ink. Erica's artistic journey began in childhood, fueled by a love for drawing. After experiencing the magic of her first tattoo, she was inspired to embark on a creative path in the tattoo industry.

Originally from Vancouver, Canada, Erica's journey took a significant turn when she secured an apprenticeship in Brooklyn, NY, in 2013. Since then, she has crisscrossed the nation, collaborating with outstanding artists and immersing herself in diverse tattoo styles. Erica specializes in ornamental design, fine line application, dot work, female traditional portraits, and neo-traditional animal designs. Her tattoo styles are influenced by her personal experiences, including a deep connection to European EDM music, her past as a techno DJ, and a profound love for marine life and nature.

When consulting with clients, Erica values understanding their personal interests to guide the creative process effectively. Combining their concepts with her professional insight, she crafts custom designs that resonate with her clients on a personal level. For aspiring tattoo artists, Erica advises finding the best mentor, fostering confidence, and maintaining consistency in their craft. If she could travel back in time, Erica envisions tattooing pirates, imagining they would have intriguing nautical or tropical tattoo ideas.

Beyond tattooing, Erica is a devoted parent, spending quality time with her kids, who played a pivotal role in her journey into tattoo artistry. She also enjoys attending concerts, driven by her deep passion for music.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3377 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

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