
Arizona Tattoo Artist

Joey, a seasoned tattoo artist with 23 years of experience, began his journey in the industry at the age of 16 under the guidance of Kurt Hennings and Dave Amchir. Apprenticing at 18, he became a full-time artist at 20. Joey specializes in a diverse range of tattoo styles, including big and small pieces, illustrative, extreme color, black and grey, fine line, and more. His influences stem from American, European, Polynesian, Asian cultures, and nature, inspired by artists like Rembrandt.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Joey, a seasoned tattoo artist with 23 years of experience, began his journey in the industry at the age of 16 under the guidance of Kurt Hennings and Dave Amchir. Apprenticing at 18, he became a full-time artist at 20. Joey specializes in a diverse range of tattoo styles, including big and small pieces, illustrative, extreme color, black and grey, fine line, and more. His influences stem from American, European, Polynesian, Asian cultures, and nature, inspired by artists like Rembrandt.

Joey approaches client consultations with a warm greeting, listening to their vision, and dissecting reference examples. He emphasizes asking questions to understand preferences, ensuring a concrete and custom design process. His creative approach involves thorough research and thoughtful consideration to deliver dynamic tattoos.

For aspiring tattoo artists, Joey advises being open-minded, attentive, and dedicated. If given a chance to tattoo anyone in history, he would choose Peter Steele, giving him a portrait of Lemmy from Motörhead.

Outside tattooing, Joey enjoys quality time with his family, works on his music project, 13:R Industrial, and indulges in hiking. Clients can expect his unwavering commitment, a positive demeanor, and a strive for excellence in every tattooing experience. 


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 12PM - 8 PM
Friday - Saturday: 11AM - 10PM
Sunday: 11AM - 7PM


1423 S Country Club Dr, Mesa, AZ 85210

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