
Las Vegas Tattoo Artist

Meet Ashkon, a highly skilled tattoo artist hailing from London, England, with an impressive 12 years of professional experience in the industry. Ashkon's expertise encompasses various styles, notably traditional American, Black and Grey realism, and Mandala/geometric patterns. His artistic evolution reflects the fusion of influences from the vibrant Las Vegas tattoo scene and the heavy Black and Grey work prevalent in London.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Ashkon, a highly skilled tattoo artist hailing from London, England, with an impressive 12 years of professional experience in the industry. His artistic journey, rich with evolution and diverse influences, reflects a passionate commitment to the art of tattooing.

Ashkon's story began in London, where, despite familial reservations, he embraced his fascination with tattoos. His initiation into the tattoo world started with a self-tattooing endeavor using a set he purchased on eBay. Undeterred by initial challenges, he embarked on a relentless quest for knowledge and skill, leading him to Timeless Tattoo in Las Vegas.

Under the mentorship of Dan Stephens, the owner of Timeless Tattoo, Ashkon underwent a year-long apprenticeship, marking the beginning of his formal tattooing career in November 2011. His dedication and talent propelled him forward, allowing him to explore different styles and eventually relocate to London, where he further honed his craft.

Ashkon's expertise encompasses various styles, notably traditional American, Black and Grey realism, and Mandala/geometric patterns. His artistic evolution reflects the fusion of influences from the vibrant Las Vegas tattoo scene and the heavy Black and Grey work prevalent in London.

Currently, Ashkon calls Club Tattoo Venetian his home, having been an integral part of the studio for over four years. His passion for blending different styles to create truly unique tattoos sets him apart in the industry. Clients seeking personalized and collaborative experiences will find Ashkon's consultation approach thorough and accommodating.

For aspiring tattoo artists, Ashkon's advice is clear – there are no shortcuts. He advocates for a genuine apprenticeship, emphasizing the importance of hard work and dedication. In an era where media often glamorizes the profession, he encourages artists to stay grounded and earn their stripes.

Beyond the tattoo studio, Ashkon finds solace in his role as a husband and father of three. His diverse interests include Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, where he holds a Blue belt, and the meditative joy of building with LEGOs. A unique aspect of his artistic process is his preference for revealing artwork during tattoo sessions, allowing clients to witness the transformation of the design onto their skin.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3377 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

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