
Las Vegas Tattoo Artist

Meet Arnaldo, a seasoned tattoo artist with 32 years of experience, originally hailing from Brazil. Arnaldo's tattooing journey evolved organically as friends and family witnessed his skill, leading to a cascade of new clients. Specializing in various styles, Arnaldo finds particular joy in color tattoos, traditional, and tattoo realism styles.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Arnaldo, a seasoned tattoo artist with 32 years of experience, originally hailing from Brazil. Born in 1977, Arnaldo's artistic journey was inspired by his parents' design skills. Starting as a child, he began drawing and ventured into tattooing in 1991, crafting his first tattoo machine that same year.

Arnaldo's tattooing journey evolved organically as friends and family witnessed his skill, leading to a cascade of new clients. Running his own tattoo studio in Brazil until 2017, he made a pivotal move to the US in 2018, becoming a resident tattoo artist at Club Tattoo. Specializing in various styles, Arnaldo finds particular joy in color tattoos, traditional, and realistic styles. His tattoo preferences are guided by personal taste - if it's beautiful to him, he likes it.

During consultations, Arnaldo collaborates with clients, often incorporating their vision and reference pictures into the design.

His advice for aspiring tattoo artists is to work hard and prioritize client satisfaction. While Arnaldo hasn't contemplated time-traveling for tattooing historical figures, he is open to the possibility. Beyond tattooing, he enjoys outdoor activities, showcasing a passion for life beyond the studio. Arnaldo may not be the most talkative person, but his commitment to delivering the best results shines through.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3663 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89109

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