Amber Thresher

Arizona Tattoo Artist

Meet Amber Thresher, a passionate tattoo artist with seven years of experience. Specializing in color, fine line, and neo-traditional styles, Amber embraces challenges and expresses a particular fondness for neo-traditional, both in drawing and tattooing. Influenced by a deep appreciation for all cultures, she finds inspiration in learning about diverse perspectives and stories, especially drawn to Asian, toltec, and Nordic cultures 

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Amber Thresher, a passionate tattoo artist with seven years of experience. Her artistic journey began at the young age of twelve, and she started her apprenticeship fresh out of high school, driven by a deep desire to pursue art as a lifelong career. Though she attended college classes, art remained her primary focus. Amber's tattooing adventure has taken her from Colorado Springs to various shops in Arizona, and she is now a proud member of the Club Tattoo family in Arizona, working alongside her husband. With a dedication to their growing family and a shared love for the tattoo industry, Amber pours her heart into her work.

Specializing in color, fine line, and neo-traditional styles, Amber embraces challenges and expresses a particular fondness for neo-traditional, both in drawing and tattooing. Influenced by a deep appreciation for all cultures, she finds inspiration in learning about diverse perspectives and stories, especially drawn to Asian, toltec, and Nordic cultures.

Amber's approach to consultations involves building connections with clients and gathering detailed information, ensuring a collaborative process to bring their ideas to life. Her creative process involves customization based on client preferences, maintaining open communication through Instagram for seamless collaboration.

For aspiring tattoo artists, Amber advises staying determined, persistent, and always doing one's best. She emphasizes treating people with respect, underscoring that art lives on through clients, and integrity as an artist is paramount. In a whimsical twist, if Amber could tattoo anyone in history, it would be George Washington or Abe Lincoln, envisioning a body suit to imprint ink on currency.

Beyond tattooing, Amber enjoys creating art, spending quality time with her kids and family, exploring new things in Arizona, and nurturing her passion for cooking. She emphasizes that tattoos are not just a job for serious artists; they represent a lifestyle and a profound commitment that involves sacrifices. For Amber and her family, tattoos are an integral part of their life.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 12PM - 8 PM
Friday - Saturday: 11AM - 10PM
Sunday: 11AM - 7PM


825 S. Rural Rd. Tempe, Arizona, 85281

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