
Arizona Tattoo Artist

Meet Eric, a seasoned tattoo artist with 25 years of experience. Specializing in vibrant color pieces, Eric finds joy in creating cartoon characters, cover-ups, and colorful floral designs.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Eric, a seasoned tattoo artist with 25 years of experience. Eric's journey into tattooing took an unexpected turn when his original life plans fell through, leading him to connect with his father, an amateur tattoo artist. With a homemade machine, Eric was introduced to the world of tattooing.

Specializing in vibrant color pieces, Eric finds joy in creating cartoon characters, cover-ups, and colorful floral designs. His tattoo style is profoundly influenced by the satisfaction of covering up tattoos that clients weren't pleased with initially. Witnessing their excitement and newfound confidence in displaying their transformed pieces is a source of great fulfillment for Eric.

During consultations, Eric prioritizes listening to clients, allowing them to express the meaning behind their tattoos. By understanding their situation and emotions, he tailors his designs accordingly. Bright and fun designs for lighthearted stories, or more somber designs for serious narratives.

For aspiring tattoo artists, Eric emphasizes the importance of passion and dedication. Having a genuine love for the craft is crucial for overcoming challenges and enjoying the journey in the industry. If Eric could travel back in time, he would choose to tattoo his grandma, fulfilling her wish for a little spotted cow. This personal connection reflects his regret for not providing her with that unique life experience.

Outside of tattooing, Eric finds joy in writing and collecting hotwheels, spending hours searching for collectible items. Despite his appearance, clients should know that Eric is a lot nicer than he looks, creating a welcoming atmosphere


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 12PM - 8 PM
Friday - Saturday: 11AM - 10PM
Sunday: 11AM - 7PM


825 S. Rural Rd. Tempe, Arizona, 85281

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