
Las Vegas Professional Body Piercer

With 14 years of professional piercing experience, I began my journey as an apprentice at Club Tattoo in 2010, feeling an instant connection to the craft. Specializing in Conch and Daith piercings, I find joy in creating unique and personalized experiences for my clients.

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PIERCER Portfolio

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About the Piercer

With 14 years of professional piercing experience, I began my journey as an apprentice at Club Tattoo in 2010, feeling an instant connection to the craft. Specializing in Conch and Daith piercings, I find joy in creating unique and personalized experiences for my clients.

To stay abreast of the latest body jewelry trends, I rely on social media, meticulously observing recurring styles and placements. Personally, I adore rose gold as my go-to material, adding a touch of elegance to my work. During consultations, I delve into clients' piercing history and preferences, ensuring a comprehensive understanding to guide them in achieving their desired look. My advice to aspiring piercers is a commitment to continuous learning, acknowledging that improvement is an ongoing journey. In a unique twist, if given the chance, I would pierce Jesus' nipples, combining creativity with historical intrigue.

Beyond piercing, my interests extend to video games, offering a well-rounded balance to my professional life.


Frequently Asked Questions

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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3663 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89109

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