
Las Vegas Professional Body Piercer

Meet Isabel, a skilled and experienced body piercer with a decade of expertise. sabel's passion lies in diverse piercings, with a particular enjoyment for ear lobes in children and performing dermals and large gauge piercings. Her extensive experience has made her proficient in these areas.

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Piercer Portfolio

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About the Piercer

Meet Isabel, a skilled and experienced body piercer with a decade of expertise. Isabel's journey began in high school when she volunteered at a tattoo shop, eventually becoming an apprentice at the age of 18. Since then, she has contributed her talents to various shops across the US.

Isabel's passion lies in diverse piercings, with a particular enjoyment for ear lobes in children and performing dermals and large gauge piercings. Her extensive experience has made her proficient in these areas. To stay current with the ever-evolving world of body jewelry, Isabel turns to social media, magazines, websites, and fellow piercers. She has always been drawn to large gauge jewelry and delights in creating mixed metal setups.

During consultations, Isabel engages clients by discussing their desired piercings, assessing anatomy, addressing concerns, and educating them on piercing care. Her approach involves curating the perfect piercing to match the client's unique style.

For aspiring piercers, Isabel emphasizes the importance of acquiring comprehensive knowledge on procedures, techniques, jewelry, and body anatomy. Continuous learning and growth are key in this permanent body art profession.

If given the opportunity, Isabel would choose Montezuma II, an Aztec ruler, for a unique nasallang piercing. Outside of piercing, Isabel enjoys indulging in her love for reading. Her dedication to knowledge extends beyond her profession, contributing to her well-rounded expertise as a professional body piercer.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3377 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

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