
Las Vegas Professional Body Piercer

Meet Bryan, a highly experienced and passionate professional body piercer with an impressive 22 years in the industry. Specializing in a wide array of piercings, he embraces the energy exchange and interaction with clients, making every piercing experience memorable.

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Piercer Portfolio

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About the Piercer

Meet Bryan, a highly experienced and passionate professional body piercer with an impressive 22 years in the industry. Since the 3rd grade, Bryan has been drawn to tattoo shops and piercing studios, eventually embarking on a journey that led him to become a full-time body piercer and modifier. Bryan's love for his career and artistic mindset shine through in every interaction.

Specializing in a wide array of piercings, he embraces the energy exchange and interaction with clients, making every piercing experience memorable. Staying updated on the latest trends in body jewelry is crucial to Bryan. He actively shares new jewelry options, including 18kt and 14kt gold, as well as implant-grade titanium, catering to a diverse range of budgets.

Consultations are Bryan's absolute favorite, where he discusses jewelry options and enjoys curating ear projects. His advice to aspiring piercers is to prioritize continuous learning, work hard, and focus on developing excellent bedside manner, considering it a significant aspect of the profession.

If given the chance, Bryan would choose to pierce iconic figures like Jim Ward or Fakir, showcasing his appreciation for the pioneers in the industry. Outside of piercing, Bryan's interests extend to breeding Frenchies, adding a unique dimension to his personality.

Clients can expect to meet the most laid-back and accepting piercer in Bryan, who looks forward to creating memorable experiences with them.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3535 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109

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