Armand Penalosa

Las Vegas Tattoo Artist

Meet Armand Penalosa, a skilled tattoo artist with 14 years of experience. His tattooing journey began in the tattoo industry in his mid-20s around 2010. Starting in less-than-ideal environments, Armand worked his way up, developing a well-rounded style that ranges from tiny minimalist tattoos to custom stylized works of art.

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Artist Portfolio

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About the artist

Meet Armand Penalosa, a skilled tattoo artist with 14 years of experience. His tattooing journey began in the tattoo industry in his mid-20s around 2010. Starting in less-than-ideal environments, Armand worked his way up, developing a well-rounded style that ranges from tiny minimalist tattoos to custom stylized works of art.

Armand's tattooing style is heavily influenced by hard times in life, with inspirations drawn from comics and graffiti. He combines various art styles to create his distinguishable approach, proving himself and working hard to make his mark in life after coming from humble beginnings. Specializing in tattoos of all kinds, Armand's creative process starts with understanding the client's vision during consultations. While clients often have a preconceived idea, Armand may suggest alterations for a better-looking, long-lasting tattoo.

His advice to aspiring tattoo artists emphasizes the importance of an apprenticeship, genuine passion, and humility. People skills are crucial in the body art business, and he urges artists to respect the industry's veterans who paved the way. If he could travel back in time, Armand would tattoo Nikola Tesla, envisioning a lightning bolt design.

Outside of tattooing, he enjoys family time, indulging in food, rest, video games, and expressing his love for car culture and spirited driving. Armand wants clients to understand that tattoo artists are human, experiencing both good and bad days. Despite the challenges, he loves his job and wouldn't trade it for anything else.


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Business Hours

Mon - Thursday: 10AM - 11PM
Friday - Sunday: 10AM - 12AM


3663 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89109

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